7./ The " Holy Week "

The week before Easter is called "the Holy week" and it seems
to me quite a long week . We are out of school and we play all
day long with our friends until the afternoon. Then we return
home to change into clean clothes and go to church. This
week the church is open every afternoon. I don't understand the
words of the priest very well - my mother says these words are
ancient Greek ! - But I like some hymns which the choir and also
my grandma chant . On " Holy Thursday" the priest repeats of
all Christ's life story , until the moment of his crucifixion ….
Then you may hear him strike the nails with a hammer and you feel
like crying .. Later in the evening , the older girls of the
neighborhood go upstairs in the garret of the church and
start to decorate the sepulchral with fresh flowers . Afterwards
they put Christ's body in this . The next day , "Holy Friday "
as soon as it gets dark everyone goes out for the ceremony of
the burial ,the sepulchral is carried throughout the roads of our
village , and all of us follow behind holding yellow candles ,
chanting sad hymns for Jesus.

8./ Red Eggs

We all paint red eggs during the Easter period , we knead
Eastern bread and we make special cookies. On 'Holy Wednesday '
our neighbourhood smells wonderful because of the baking.
My mummy is very good allowing me to help her in the
kneading but I never find my small cookies when we return from
the baker ! and I wonder why?
But I can ignore it because I most like to help her on the
'Holy Thursday ' to paint our eggs red! …Even she tells me to be
careful and not break any eggs, all the time!
We have 50 -60 eggs and I can't understand , what's the problem
if I break a few ?
We take the red eggs with us on Saturday evening the church to
crack them with one to another while we repeat " Christ is Risen "
But it's very difficult for me to be patient until then !

9./ The lamb on a spit

On "Holy Saturday" the mother prepares "mageritsa " , a special
kind of tripe soup with a lot of vegetables and a little meat,
for dinner, the father cleans the spit and I have great fun with
my cousins who are visiting us from Athens.
During the midday my mum suggests that I get a short rest to be
strong and awake for the midnight service. About 11 o'clock in the
evening , all the people , young and old , men and women , go
to the church …even my grandmother's mother comes!
A few minutes before midnight we all light our white candles
waiting for the priest to come out of the door to say
"Christ is Risen" …I told you before there are so many people in
church , that it's impossible for all to be inside….What happens
then?? …..The bells ring loudly …. Fireworks light up the sky
…and all the people kiss each other saying : " Truly , He is
Risen " .
The next day , Easter , we are all outside in the yard and we
roast the lamb on the spit , while the adults dance and drink
wine , my mum keeps bringing out delicious food for the guests
, me , now that nobody cares about what I do , and my cousin
say "Christ is Risen" and break all the red eggs !!!