4./Interview of Sotiris Sotirhos - Wood carver - Kaparelli
By: Giorgos - Hristina - Vaso - Pantelis - Konstantina

All five of us Giorgos Konstantina Hristina Vaso and Pantelis headed out to visit Mr Sotirhos and ask him all the questions we had planned the previous week. .. Our mums helped us as well as our teacher , and now here we are with all the questions on paper…But I remember them by heart! ……

So here we are :

1./ At what age did you start up wood carving ?
SS: I was about 50 years old when I worked as a solderer where I was living with other fellow solderers in Antikira , Viotias. We spent our evenings around the fireplace discussing and smoking …One evening I saw a piece of porous stone next to me and I started to dig into it to make a big ashtray for my colleagues cigarettes This is how I started ..

2./ What's wood carving ?
SS: To give shape and form to a piece of wood.

3./ Which is the best wood for your job?
SS: The best of the local wood is walnut , while sipo is the best of the imported wood . But I consider quite good the wood of the olive tree , of eucalyptus , of poplar tree as well roots of the wild brush . Generally I prefer to work on hard woods …I have difficulty working with them but the result is much better.

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4./ What kind of tools do you need ?

SS: Various big and small cutting tools as well as some knives.

5./ What subjects do you choose to work on?

SS: Anything I like which impresses me…like ancient gods and heroes of the Greek Revolution , as well as animals and people in their daily life. I have all these in my mind and work on them.

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6./ How much time do you need to finish a piece?

SS: I take my time . When I have free time and I feel an internal need to create something.. and please don't forget that I am also a farmer with lot of work to do every day.

7./ What do you start with and what next?
SS: I always start from the basis of the wood carving and if I am going to make a human figure I start from the feet.

8./ Do you like what you do?
SS: It relaxes me … calms me .. and gives me satisfaction after a tiring day in the field.

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Well we saw all the figures, we touched everything …We took pictures with him and his wife - very kind lady , she permitted us to empty the bowl with chocolates - and afterwards we thanked him and returned to school.
All of us wanted to draw something on the computer we saw and what impressed us….but Pantelis managed to catch the 'mouse' first draw the pussy cat on the wooden basis exactly as Mr Sotirhos had made it!

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